Create Code Box In Blogger Website - Full Details

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It sounds like you're planning to write an article about adding a beautiful code frame with copy, share, and download options on a Blogger website. If you need any specific assistance or have questions about the process, feel free to ask!

Create Code Box In Blogger Website - Full Details

{tocify} $title={Table of Contents}

Benefits of Download Button :

  1. In this code box, you will get a separate copy button to copy it in one click.
  2. There will also be a special button in the code box to download in one click.
  3. Along with this, you will also get a separate option to open the code given in a separate page in one click.
  4. It is mobile friendly, user friendly and SEO friendly that's why it makes it the best.

Install Code Frame in Blogger :

To add code frame in blogger, I am providing you 2 codes, with the help of which we have to create this code box

  1. First of all login to Blogger and click on theme and click on edit html.
  2. Remember that you must take a backup of your blogger theme before editing it.
Now search the </body> code by pressing cntrl+F and copy and paste it just above this </body> code by double clicking on the below code. At last save the theme.

      <script>/*<![CDATA[*/ 0<document.querySelectorAll('div.pre.pu').length&&(() => { let preD = document.querySelectorAll('div.pre.pu'); function saveDoc(x, d, n) { if (n = typeof n == 'string' ? n : 'text/plain', d = typeof d == 'string' ? d : 'File_' + (new Date).getTime() + '.txt', x) { n = new Blob([x], { type: n }); if (navigator.msSaveBlob) return navigator.msSaveBlob(n, d); { let x = window.URL.createObjectURL(n), c = document.createElement("a"); c.classList.add('hidden'), c.href = x, = d, document.body.appendChild(c),, c.remove(), window.URL.revokeObjectURL(x) } } } for (let r = 0; r < preD.length; r++) { let b = preD[r]; b.classList.add('adv'); let x = b.dataset.text || 'File_' + (new Date).getTime(), e = b.dataset.file || x, _ = b.dataset.lang || '.txt', m = 'undefined' !== typeof b.dataset.time ? isNaN(Number(b.dataset.time)) ? 'false' === b.dataset.time ? 0 : 10 : Number(b.dataset.time) : 10, c = 'undefined' === typeof || == 'true', d = 'undefined' === typeof b.dataset.copy || b.dataset.copy == 'true', n = 'undefined' === typeof b.dataset.view || b.dataset.view == 'true', a = b.querySelector('pre'), t = a.innerText; b.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', "<div class='preM'><div class='preT'><span class='prTl'>" + (null == x ? '&lt;/&gt;' : x) + "</span><span class='prCd'></span></div><div class='preA'>" + (n ? '\x3C!--[ Prev' + "iew ]--><button class='prVw'><svg viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M14,3V5H17.59L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L19,6.41V10H21V3M19,19H5V5H12V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19Z'/></svg></button>" : "") + (c ? "\x3C!--[ Download ]--><button class='prDl'><svg viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path class='a' d='M8 17V15H16V17H8M16 10L12 14L8 10H10.5V6H13.5V10H16M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4Z'/><path class='b' d='M13,2.03C17.73,2.5 21.5,6.25 21.95,11C22.5,16.5 18.5,21.38 13,21.93V19.93C16.64,19.5 19.5,16.61 19.96,12.97C20.5,8.58 17.39,4.59 13,4.05V2.05L13,2.03M11,2.06V4.06C9.57,4.26 8.22,4.84 7.1,5.74L5.67,4.26C7.19,3 9.05,2.25 11,2.06M4.26,5.67L5.69,7.1C4.8,8.23 4.24,9.58 4.05,11H2.05C2.25,9.04 3,7.19 4.26,5.67M2.06,13H4.06C4.24,14.42 4.81,15.77 5.69,16.9L4.27,18.33C3.03,16.81 2.26,14.96 2.06,13M7.1,18.37C8.23,19.25 9.58,19.82 11,20V22C9.04,21.79 7.18,21 5.67,19.74L7.1,18.37M12,16.5L7.5,12H11V8H13V12H16.5L12,16.5Z'/><path class='c' d='M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M7,15H17V17H7V15M10.3,11.2L8.4,9.3L7,10.7L10.3,14L17,7.3L15.6,5.9L10.3,11.2Z'/></svg></button>" : "") + (d ? "\x3C!--[ Copy ]--><button class='prCp'><svg viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path class='a' d='M20,16V4H8V16H20M22,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16Z'/><path class='b' d='M20,16V10H22V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H16V4H8V16H20M10.91,7.08L14,10.17L20.59,3.58L22,5L14,13L9.5,8.5L10.91,7.08M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16Z'/></svg></button>" : "") + '</div></di' + "v>"); let i = b.querySelector('.prVw'), l = b.querySelector('.prDl'), f = b.querySelector('.prCp'), W = b.querySelector('.prCd'); null !== i && i.addEventListener('click', () => { var x = '#252526'; x = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>' + e.replace(/\./g, "").replace(/ /g, "_") + _ + "</title><meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=1,minimum-scale=1,maximum-scale=5' name='viewport'/><meta content='" + x + "' name='theme-color'/><meta content='" + x + "' name='msapplication-navbutton-color'/><meta content='" + x + "' name='apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style'/><link rel='shortcut icon' type='image/png' href=''><style>body{min-height:100vh;background:#252526;color:#fff}*{margin:0;padding:0}html{line-height:1em;background:#1d1f21;color:#c5c8c6}pre{white-space:pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break-all;padding:20px}pre i{font-style:normal}</style></head><body><div class='pre'>" + a.outerHTML + '</div></body></html>'; x = new Blob([x], { type: 'text/html' }); window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob ? window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blobObject, fileName) : (x = window.URL.createObjectURL(x),, '_blank'), window.URL.revokeObjectURL(x)) }), null !== l && l.addEventListener('click', () => { l.disabled = !0; let c = m; b.classList.add('pnd', 'str'), W.innerHTML = 0 !== m ? 'Please wai' + "t " + c + 's...' : 'Please wai' + 't...'; let a = setInterval(() => { 0 !== m && --c, 0 !== m && (W.innerHTML = 'Please wait ' + c + 's...'), c <= 0 && (clearInterval(a), setTimeout(() => { W.innerHTML = 'Downloading...', setTimeout(() => { b.classList.remove('pnd'), b.classList.add('dwn'), saveDoc(t, e.replace(/\./g, "").replace(/ /g, "_") + '_by_Tech_Ankur' + _, 'text/plain'), W.innerHTML = 'Download started...', setTimeout(() => { b.classList.remove('dwn', 'str'), l.disabled = !1 }, 3e3) }, 2e3) }, 1e3)) }, 1e3) }), null !== f && f.addEventListener('click', () => { var x = getSelection(), c = document.createRange(); c.selectNodeContents(a), x.removeAllRanges(), x.addRange(c), document.execCommand('copy'), x.removeAllRanges(), f.disabled = !0, b.classList.add('cpd'), setTimeout(function() { b.classList.remove('cpd'), f.disabled = !1 }, 3e3) }) }})(); /*]]>*/</script>

Now you have to go back to the theme and click on Customize. Now click on advance and click on add CSS and copy all the code given below, paste it in add CSS and save it.

    /* Code Box by sbjzon*/ .pre{background:#f6f6f6;color:#2f3337;direction: ltr;position:relative;border-radius:3px;overflow:hidden;margin:1.7em auto} 
.prepre{margin:0;color:inherit;background:inherit;display:block;position:relative;font-size:13px;line-height:1.6em;border-radius:3px;padding:30px 20px 20px;-moz-tab-size:2;tab-size:2;-webkit-hyphens:none;-moz-hyphens:none;-ms-hyphens:none;hyphens:none; overflow:auto;direction:ltr;white-space:pre} 
.pre.adv::before{display:none}.pre:not(.str) .prCd{display:none}.pre.str .prTl{display:none;}.pre.adv pre{padding-top:60px}.preM{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;left:0;width:100%;background: rgba(0,0,0,.04);padding:10px 10px 10px 20px;display:flex;justify-content:space-between;align-items:center;flex-wrap:nowrap;z-index:2}.preT{font-size:12px;font-family: var(--fontC);line-height:1rem;position:relative;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;padding-right:10px;}
.preA{display:flex;gap:8px;white-space:nowrap;}.preA button{outline:none;border:none;width:30px;height:30px;background:#d9d9d9;padding:0;margin:0;border-radius:50%;transition:border-radius .2s ease;display:inline-flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer;}
.preA button:hover{border-radius:40%;}.preA button >svg{width:18px;height:18px;stroke:none;fill:#2e2e2e;transition: all .5s ease;}
.pre.cpd .prCp svg, .pre.pnd .prDl svg, .pre.dwn .prDl svg{animation: jiggle 1s}
.pre.cpd .prCp svg .a,.pre:not(.cpd) .prCp svg .b{opacity:0}.pre.dwn .prDl svg .a, 
.pre.pnd .prDl svg .a,.pre:not(.pnd) .prDl svg .b,.pre:not(.dwn) .prDl svg .c{opacity:0}@keyframes jiggle{0%{transform:rotate(0)}20%{transform:rotate(26deg)}40%
{transform:rotate(-26deg)}100%{transform:rotate(0)}}@-webkit-keyframes jiggle{0%{transform:rotate(0)}20%{transform:rotate(26deg)}40%{transform:rotate(-26deg)}60%


How to put Code Frame in blogger post ? 

To place the code frame in a blogger post/page, copy and save the code given below. Now wherever you want to place this code box, paste this code there and paste your code in place of <!– Code –> and put it in the blog post/page.

      <div class='pre pu' data-text='typecode' data-file='filename' data-lang='fileformat' data-time='true' data-download='true' data-copy='true' data-view='true'>
      <!-- Code -->


Now the code frame of the beautiful copy download button has been installed in your blogger post / page.

Important Information:

  1. Data-text is the type of code, e.g. CSS, HTML or JavaScript
  2. Data-file is the download name of File
  3. Data-lang is the format of the file, for example: .css, .js, .html, .txt .
  4. If it is not changed it will remember the default which is .txt
  5. Data-download is to show download button true or false
  6. Data-copy is to show copy button true or false
  7. Data-view is to show preview button true or false
  8. Data-download,data-copy, data-view these three changes are not necessary.
  9. <!-- Code --> Enter your code here
  10. If you write direct html code here it won't do a work. You need to use 
  11. Html Parser to change the html code

Conclusion ;

Hope the article How to Create a Code Box with a Beautiful Copy and Download Code Button for Blogger will be useful for you, if you have any doubt or facing any issue while installing it then you can contact me in comment. Can ask, share with you gunmen, thanks for visiting, have a nice day!

That's done!

If you encounter any problem, do not hesitate to contact us
A. Vishwakarma

Alhankar Vishwakarma is a seasoned blogger with 6 years of experience. He shares valuable information on banks, the internet, websites, and more. Through his blog, he offers concise and useful insights to his readers, making him a trusted source of knowledge in his field. facebook whatsapp youtube instagram telegram

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